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App Store Optimization, or ASO ranking factors, is a growing concern for app developers worldwide as the most popular app stores are home to over 8.93 million apps from which consumers choose.

This is a staggering amount of competition, and it grows every day. To increase your chances for higher app rankings, many top app and marketing influencers recommend approaching the ranking strategy by reverse-engineering the advice that app developers receive from Google.

Iphone App Store

The ASO ranking factors listed below have not been publicly confirmed by search engine companies; however, the recommendations are based on solid and extensive research conducted by the most well-regarded industry leaders.

In addition to the following ASO ranking factors, do not forget to consider your competitive landscape and the ways in which you can defeat the competition through design and content.

Before listing the ASO ranking factors, let us first discuss the significance of SEO and ASO.

What are SEO and ASO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and App Store Optimization (ASO) are two critical components to reach a larger audience and, in turn, maximize your sales conversions.

SEO is a highly competitive process that has been around for at least a decade and is typically used to improve website search rankings on search engines such as Google and Bing.

By utilizing SEO, searches will result in more excellent quality and quantity of traffic to increase sales.

ASO is similar to that of SEO, however, it is used exclusively in-app store searches. In the past, apps could rely upon ASO to improve visibility; however, today, both types of optimizations and results are essential to the success of any app, particularly given that an increasing number of searches for apps are performed outside of app stores in the search engines themselves. Because of this growing trend, utilizing both SEO and ASO is imperative.

Before moving forward, let’s look at some data:

Number of Available Apps from 2008 to 2017 on App Store

App Store Downloads

Number of Available Apps from 2008 to 2017 on Google Play

Google Store Downloads

Worldwide Downloads

9 ASO Ranking Factors and Strategies for App Store Optimization

1. Search History

Even after a user has deleted an app, it may continue appearing in their search results based on their search history with Google.

Because of this, Google places far more emphasis on results based on human searches rather than attempted bot manipulation.

2. Functionality

For your app to be indexed, the technical function of the app must work properly as dictated by the search engine specifications.

3. Canonical Indexing

To enable canonical indexing by Google for the app, it is essential to create corresponding web pages.

4. Matching Content

Creating matching content becomes essential to avoid the mismatch errors in Google Search Consul and Bing Webmaster Tools. The corresponding web page must have enough information on the app screen to prevent this error and result in indexing the app to become searchable.

5. Google Pop-up Ads and Banners

This one is more of an advice than a Ranking Factor. Google makes pop-up ads made with non-Google JavaScript banners a bit more challenging to allow for indexing. If you want a smooth transition without severe headaches, look into Google Adwords JavaScript banners instead.

6. Site Verification

You must verify your site through Google Search Consul and Google Play Developer Console.

7. Site Discovery

Search crawlers need assistance finding your app; therefore, do not forget to annotate the code on the website for app discovery.

This should be done in both the XML sitemap and in the <head> section of your website.

8. Speed and User Experience

The overall user experience and the speed of your apps are also critical ASO ranking factors. These issues will result in immediate user uninstallation and perhaps even negative ratings.

These user actions will significantly impact your search engine results by moving your app down the search results almost as quickly as any other ranking factor.

9. Downloads, Ratings, and User Reviews

Many industry influencers also believe downloads, ratings, and user reviews highly impact the app and search rankings.

Read about Google’s Rating guidelines here.

Worldwide App Downloads
Aso And Seo Ranking Factors For Apps

Be sure to utilize both SEO and ASO practices to make it as easy as possible for people to discover your app. These ASO ranking factors and tips will help you move ahead of your competition and increase sales.

Remember that the ASO ranking factors listed above are far from a complete list of influential components to success; however, they will make a disruptive move up the charts and search results for your app if you can master each.

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