Amberd Design Studio is a full-service design, branding, and marketing agency located in Los Angeles, CA. We are happy to announce the start of a scholarship program exclusively for college and university students who have a desire and interest to go forward in their education.
We understand that it can be hard to attend courses due to cost, so we’ve set up this offer to help people advance their education.
Who Is Eligible?
Amberd Design Studio has a scholarship available to anyone who is currently studying or has been accepted to any accredited college or university.
How Is the Winner Selected?
An internal committee will evaluate the best-written essay, and award the recipient by January 31st of each year.
Application Process
- Complete and submit an essay of 1500+ words on SEO, Logo Design, or Web Design.
- Your essay must be posted online in a public way. You can use either a college or university blog/website.
- Your essay must be 100% original, not copied or plagiarised!
- Include three links that cite authoritative sources on your subject matter topic. Include one link back to Amberd Design Studio.
- The student must be a US citizen and must have a US high school diploma.
- Fill out the form below once your post has gone live.
* All of the above requirements must be met to qualify for a scholarship.
Deadline Information
Your deadline to apply is December 1st of each year.
- $500 USD
- Free Custom Bookmarks